ACT Centre of Excellence

In 2018 NECA purchased properties in Chullora (Sydney) and Fyshwick (ACT) to be the local headquarters for NECA and to establish new Centres of Excellence for electrical training.
Our ACT Centre of Excellence at 49 Tennant St, Fyshwick, is now up and running. Two classes of new first year apprentices have commenced their trade theory training at the Centre and post-trade training courses will be progressively introduced throughout 2019.
The Centre was built with the support of NHP, HPM Legrand, Emu Energy, Electra Cables, Panduit, Martin Donnelly, Pathway Communications, Gerard lighting, Rudds Consulting Engineers, Cableaway and Molex.
The Centre has been built with room to grow to meet the future training needs of NECA’s ACT members, and will be formally opened in the near future.
NECA is still putting the finishing touches on the new Centre of Excellence in Sydney, which will become home for NECA’s NSW-based businesses and NESS Super later this year.
Further advice
Got a question about employing apprentices or want to enquire about becoming a host? Call your local NECA EA office via the details below, or email us at